Over Three Decades and 50,000 Cases

The longer you're in the game, the more knowledgeable and adaptable you become.



CLAIMS RESOURCE is a full service investigative firm providing defense of claims and civil litigation at all levels throughout the state of Florida (A9700375).

We provide investigative defense support to corporations, self-insured, employers, insurers and the insured in all types of claims, personal injuries, workers compensation, medical malpractice, wrongful death and tort cases.

Our Agency prides itself on the significant experience of its investigators. This experience provides two demonstrable benefits to our clients. First, the opposition knows that our firm consistently provides evidence that wins cases. Second, the fact that the opposition knows that our firm’s investigators will accurately present any evidence obtained and be credible witnesses which together results in better incident resolution.

CLAIMS RESOURCE adheres to a strict policy; deliver a product in which our client can see the effort and the value of our service. Improving the turnaround time of an assignment and providing documented information as quick as possible is always a priority. We consider our company a progressive leader committed to utilizing technology to create efficiency in the field and office.



With immeasurable experience in investigations and claims defense, our investigators have made your defense the foundation of our firm’s practice.


We provide experienced, comprehensive investigative support to defense counsel, human resources and many national insurance carriers. We work closely and directly with our clients to ensure they receive the results they are looking for.

Our investigators have an in-depth understanding of all types of exposures and are experienced in analyzing information and evidence as it presents itself. Though many of our cases are resolved without having to appear for litigation, we understand that this is sometimes necessary, and when it does occur, you can be assured we are prepared to successfully present our findings throughout all stages of the process. We utilize our expertise in Surveillance and Investigations in the following areas:

  • Auto Liability
  • Auto Theft
  • Bodily Injury
  • Corporate -Brand Protection, Non-Compete and Fraud Abatement
  • General Liability
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Human Resource -Employee Misconduct
  • Property Claims
  • Premises Liability
  • Product Liability
  • Workers' Compensation Claims


With over 30 years devoted to building, organizing and training investigative staff, we understand the people and processes that achieve results for an investigative team. We can effectively evaluate personnel for investigator position placement or review the investigative vendor selection in place to determine if changes need to be made to improve results. We will advise of best practices for investigative effectiveness and determine if the vendors are performing according to those standards. We are also available to assist you with your Fraud/SIU Departments initial set-up or come in to make effective unbiased personnel or vendor changes.